Can we talk about a long lost treasure for a second? I recently realized I’d had a huge hashtagMomFail. My children had no idea what Pop Rocks were. There’s really only one way to solve this problem…

So we bought two flavors and I taught them how to lick their finger and scoop up a pile of deliciousness that explodes in your mouth. The kids were apprehensive. They didn’t know what to expect, but they were excited to give it a try. It worked out as amazing as you’d expect.

It reminded me of my small business clients. When they open a new business they’re a bit nervous, but they’re always excited about trying something new. My job is to help guide them on their adventure, set realistic expectations about what’s to come, protect them from the unexpected, and cheer them on as they enjoy the ride.

When it works out as well as the Pop Rocks experience, we’re all on a winning team!