Recently, I attended the Missouri Bar’s Annual Judicial Conference. One of my favorite conferences throughout the year, I get to see so many friends from all over the state who I really only see about once a year. Since the conference was in Kansas City this year, my husband was able to come with me.

He and I have a saying at professional events like these, one which we stole from Travis Kelce after winning the AFC Division last season. When you’re the +1, you have to “Know Your Role.” My role at his professional parties is to ask poignant questions and make everyone else feel smart. His role at lawyer events is to be the ice breaker and keep the drinks coming. This is where we both seem to shine. 🙂

It’s not too terribly different in my work. Your role as a small business owner is to run your company, not to be a legal expert. Your role is not to know the ins and outs of liability exposure or understand the problems associated with leasing or purchasing real estate – that’s my role. My job is to make it easier for you to run your company, preferably with less stress because you’ve protected yourself and your assets.

Do you know what your role in a business relationship is? And how is that different from your role at a cocktail party?